How to Repair Hard Disk Bad Sectors

Here's a sign of Bad sectors on the hard disk
1. Computer or laptop you will often have to hang or "blue screen" when running an application or a game and such.
2. Computer or laptop you will feel slow because of difficulty reading the data from the hard drive.
3. Your laptop may not boot anymore, or your operating system crashes often and become less responsive

You should know, that it was a sign most pieces in the hard drive is damaged and not running normal. you really need to know how to fix hard drive bad sectors if it is to experience it.
Here's how to repair bad sectors hard drive using software

How to repair bad sectors using the software HDD Regenerator software. HDD Regenerator is a software which is used to repair bad sectors hard drive.

how to use HDD Regenerator
1. Run the program HDD Regenerator.
2. It will appear as below:
3. Execute the command as shown above, it will show the following picture:
4. Click on the hard drive that you want to fix bad sectors, and then click start procces so start page like below.
5. Select "scan and repair" to fix bad sectors. by pressing the 1 key and press Enter.
6. In the process this time, type the letter "M" on your computer keyboard without using quotation marks. From this process a lot of mistakes by having the quotation marks. Look at figure 7, it will show that you type the letter M. then press Enter
7. Just wait when it's in this process, because this is your hardis repair process. In this process, it will take quite a long time if your hard drive is having bad sectors. If there are bad sectors on your hard drive then this software will automatically do the repair.

1 komentar so far

The post on how to repair hard drive bad sector very is impressive and helpful for me.I was in experienced in do the job but your step by step procedure helped me a lot.Thanks

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