There's Largest Ancient Human Population in Mount Padang?

There's Largest Ancient Human Population in Mount Padang?Integrated Research Team Independent who has done research at the site of Mount Padang, Cianjur, West Java, since May 2012, returned to find the important findings.

Based on excavations on the eastern slopes of Mount Padang megalithic site, Tim believes, in 4500 BC the civilization around the full site.

"This is a second and distinct civilization of which appears on the surface of the building. Advanced Excavation column of the 3 × 9 meters, the team found many compelling findings of the civilization of high value to the community that has a solid structure, "said Ali Akbar, chairman Tim archaeologists involved in excavation at the site, Sunday, March 31, 2013.

In the excavation column, he explains, looks menhir or columnar joint structure with a size between 1-2 meters. It's all neatly arranged and glued together by some sort of ancient cement.

"Columnar joint at the base of the larger and longer than appears on the surface. Additionally, arranged over five terraces are visible at this time, "he said.

From the fact that, the team concluded, when people make the site has no human population with large numbers and have a social structure. "Columnar joint on the excavation we found this time is greater than that at the surface. To lift and arrange them need 5-6 people, "he said.

With an area of ​​Gunung Padang expected wider than Borobudur, certainly takes a lot of manpower. "It is reassuring us there early human populations with large numbers in the region at that time," he said.

In addition to a large human population, there certainly have been clear in the social structure of his time. "It is impossible to lift the rock and prepare to become a construction without any communication and interest," he explained.

That is, the time it already has the ability to provide a supply of food and drink as needed.

Which further strengthened, he added, the findings support the use of advanced culture like metal. "Reports on the results of this study will be reported first to the Team. After it was reported to the President, and will resume his research, "said Ali. (Art)

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