Driver Printer Canon PIXMA MX398
Compatibility and system requirements :
Windows 8 (x86,x64)
Windows 7 (x86,x64)
WIndows Vista (x86,x64)
Windows Server 2003 (x86,x64)
Windows Server 2008 (x86,x64)
Windows XP (x86,x64)
How to install Driver Canon PIXMA MX398
Install Driver Printer with help of CD/DVD (Automatic Wizard)
Method 1 Requirements:
Method 2 Requirements:
Method 3 Requirements:
Download Canon PIXMA MX398 Printer drivers
Source Direct Link
Compatibility and system requirements :
Windows 8 (x86,x64)
Windows 7 (x86,x64)
WIndows Vista (x86,x64)
Windows Server 2003 (x86,x64)
Windows Server 2008 (x86,x64)
How to install Driver Canon PIXMA MX398
Install Driver Printer with help of CD/DVD (Automatic Wizard)
Method 1 Requirements:
- Need one CD/DVD Drive installed on your computer.
- Need a Software/Driver CD Disk , which came with the printer.
- Need a USB cable, which will connect your printer to computer. It came with the printer.
- Turn it on your computer, which you need to install driver printer on it.
- Turn it on printer as well.
- Keep unplug printer USB cable (Do not plug it until prompts).
- Insert installation CD disk into the CD/DVD drive on your computer, and run the setup wizard of CD, and follow their instructions to install it.
- Now connect the printer USB cable to computer, when installer wizard asks (Note: Do not plug before asking). Wizard will analyzing when you connect it. After recognized the printer, it will automatically go to further steps. Note: Wait until it’s finished detection of printer.
- Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
- After finished you will get installed your Printer ready to use.
Method 2 Requirements:
- Need a Software/Driver Setup file . You can download it from below links, according to your Operating System.
- Need a USB cable, which will connect your printer to computer. It came with the printer.
- Turn it on your computer, which you need to install printer on it.
- Turn it on the printer as well.
- Keep unplug the printer USB cable (Do not plug it until prompts).
- Download printer drivers setup file from below links then run that downloaded file and follow their instructions to install it.
- Now connect the printer USB cable to computer, when installer wizard asks (Note: Do not plug before asking). Wizard will analyzing when you connect it. After recognized the printer, it will automatically go to further steps. Note: Wait until it’s finished detection of printer.
- Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
- After finished, you’ll get installed your Printer ready to use.
Method 3 Requirements:
- Need a Software/ Driver Setup file. You can download it from below links, according to your Operating System.
- Need a USB cable, which will connect your printer to computer. It came with the printer.
- Turn it on your computer, which you need to install printer on it.
- Turn it on the printer as well.
- Connect the printer USB cable from Printer to computer.
- Extract the setup file, and their extracted location (the default location is TEMP folder)
- Click on Start button –> then click on Control Panel –> then click on View Devices & Printer (for Windows 7, vista users). Note: For Xp Users Click on Fax & Printers.
- Click on Add a Printer.
- When it prompts for drivers location, then give it the path, where have extracted the setup file.
- Follow the wizard instructions to finish it.
- After finished, you’ll get installed your Printer ready to use.
Download Canon PIXMA MX398 Printer drivers
Source Direct Link
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